
I used to hate the H in ADHD

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

When they decided to lump add/adhd together as one diagnosis I will admit I was miffed. I thought "What about all of us who are more of the inattentive side?"  I was worried that it would create confusion, that it would categorize all with the original stereotype.  People would think we all were school aged boys bouncing off the walls like in one of the original studies on ADHD.   I was ADD.  I went out of my way to say I was ADD and not ADHD.  (Not that I think there is anything wrong with those that present with the hyper side it just didn't set well with me to be labeled hyper when I wasn't)  But I was wrong... I was hyper. The more I researched however, the more I realized that we ARE all ADHD!  Hear me out.   Why are those who present the more hyper side hyper?  Because it is there way of dealing with all of the hyper activity in their brain.  I was never hyper as a child. Goofy, yes, awkward ummmmm Yes, hyper outwardly? No.  But really inside my brain  I was bouncing off the walls (figuratively).  My reaction to the inner hyperness was just different.  My ADHD is not your ADHD, each of us are different.  Sure, we all have common characteristics but each of us are our own person.
I no longer have a problem with the term ADHD.  There will always be that stereotype when people hear it, but it is easier now for me to explain it to people. Yes, I'm ADHD the hyper side of it is in my thoughts.   Another tool I use on a regular basis is the Dr. Amon study "7 types of adhd"  it's a really good read and so interesting.  Which type of ADHD are you??  They actually have a test you can take!!!  Go here   (these are my opinions I am in no way receiving any sort of compensation for sharing this)
I will talk more about my types in my next post as well as tell you why having ADHD is really like having super powers.... you didn't know you were a super hero did you?
For now, remember to embrace the hot mess, the quirkiness, the intelligence, and in all honesty the super hero that you are!!!  


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